anna lenks

💌 leaving cert 2020 results reaction

goal diaries | working on my 2024 goals, 75 hard, portuguese

a chill study day during quarantine (leaving cert)

💤 studying all night for an exam that didn't happen

productive (but balanced) day with me *motivation*

reading your assumptions about me

how to make the best language learning plan | notion templates | AD

how I use my bullet journal for school // september setup // leaving cert

answering your personal questions on my 18th birthday

back to school QnA // leaving cert

waking up at 4am to study Korean for a week

reset day vlog // de-stress with me

reset day in my life ⭐️ catching up on admin & settling into a new place

study 4 languages with me | chill vlog (spanish, mandarin, russian, ukrainian)

answering your questions with my best friend (ft. lenks)

a quarantine bleach *fail*

📚{1 hour} study with me at 3am

how I'm studying 4 languages (in depth) - spanish, korean, mandarin & russian

trying to study in Dublin w/ kathi // leaving cert

Mini Night Routine of an Exchange Student in Spain

dream life diaries (trailer) ⭐️ creating my dream life

my 100+ goals for 2023

✨ my summer goals [2021]

study with me live pomodoro | 3 hours